The Conception & Fail-Mode Analysis of PTC Thermistor for Over-Current Protection
Circuitry to be connected to a Telecommunication Network consists of SELV CIRCUITS or TNV CIRCUITS. So International Standards, like as ITU-T Recommendation K.11, UL 1950, CSA C22.2 950 have been taken to reduce the risk that the Overvoltages from the power lines and from electrictraction lines, that may be received from the telecommunication network. Legal requirements may exist regarding permission to connect equipment having PTC components to a telecommunication network. Surge suppressors that bridge the insulation shall have a minimum d.c. sparkover voltage of 1.6 times the rated voltage or 1.6 times the upper voltage of the tared voltage range of the equipment. If left in place during electric strength testing of insulation, they shall not be damaged. In this work, The Conception & Fail-Mode Analysis of PTC components for Over-Current Protection is proposed. It guarantees the protection for PL Claim about this Subject.