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지속가능한 빗물관리를 위한 강우유출수 부담금 도입방안 검토` KCI 등재

A study on stormwater fee imposition for sustainable rainwater management

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/370674
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
상하수도학회지 (Journal of the Korean Society of Water and Wastewater)
대한상하수도학회 (Korean Society Of Water And Wastewater)

Management of stormwater runoff is considered a nationwide challenge. To deal with this challenge, many researches have been conducted to study initial stage of stormwater fee imposition. The objective of this study was to recommend a framework for stormwater fee imposition not only for funding the stormwater management programs but also for encouraging people to decrease impervious area. This study focused on, regulations, financial resources and international cases related to stormwater runoff management. Polluter pays principle, which is generally recognized environmental policy principle is regarded the basis of stormwater fee imposition. Three components suggested for the stormwater rate structure are 1) stormwater utility revenue requirement, 2) billable equivalent stormwater unit, 3) system unit cost. The key point of stormwater rate structure is the “Equivalent Residential Unit(ERU)”. The concept of an ERU is one residential area with a runoff coefficient. The runoff coefficient is that portion of rainfall that becomes runoff rather than infiltrating into the ground. In addition to this, this study took into account the observed data simulation for the separation of stormwater treatment expenditure from the comprehensive wastewater treatment cost.

 1. 서 론
 2. 강우유출수 부담금 도입을 위한 제반여건 분석
  2.1 부담원칙
  2.2 관련 법규 검토
  2.3 중앙정부 물 재원 규모
 3. 강우유출수 부담금 제도 도입(안)
  3.1 기본방향
  3.2 강우유출수 부담금 부과 기본구조 설정
 4. 우수와 오수 구분을 통한 강우유출수 부담금 도입의 부과기준 마련 및 예상효과
 5. 결 론
  • 김길복(㈜ 한국수도경영연구소) | Gil-Bok Kim (Korea Waterworks-Management Institute) Corresponding author