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The Audience Investigation of Ecological Literature and Comparative Study between China and the West



  • 언어JPN
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/372768
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한국문학과종교학회 (The Korean Society for Literature and Religion)

20世纪中期全球化迅速发展,特别是工业现代化导致地球自然生态和人类精神生态呈现出重重 危机, 人们开始警醒,反思人类文明的发展模式,深刻意识到人类迫切需要重建生态文明,生态文 学在此背景下应运而生。本文从文化变迁背景下生态批评的勃兴开始,整理并梳理中国的生态批 评、生态美学的学理跃迁历史,探讨新世纪生态文学理论发展的问题域,并总结归纳了生态文学 理论在新世纪中国文论建设中的任务。

In the middle of the 20th century, globalization developed rapidly, especially industrial modernization has leaded to the heavy crisis of earth’s natural ecology and spiritual ecology. People began to wake up and rethink human civilization development model, and were deeply conscious of the fact that humanity is in urgent need of reconstruction of ecological civilization. In this context, ecological literature emerges as the times required. This paper first introduced ecological criticism flourish under the background of the cultural changes, then collected and sort out the theory historical transition of the Chinese ecological criticism and ecological aesthetics, exploring the problem domain about the development of the theory of ecological literature in the new century. And finally, summarized the new century’s tasks of ecological literary theory in the construction of Chinese literary theory.

 1. 全球性生态危机与文化变迁背景下的生态批评的勃兴
  (三)生 态 美 学的创建与发展
 [ 参 考 文 献 ]
  • LIU Rui-hong(Social Science Journal of Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, China) | 류서홍