기업 규모 및 수출입 수준에 따른 제조업종별 연구개발투자의 고용 및 성장성 분석
The growth and employment effects of R&D investment were analyzed according to business size, export value and manufacturing sectors so as to suggest improvement directions for effective industry policies. The effect of R&D investment was considered simultaneously from the two perspectives of growth and employment effect, and the causality analysis was carried out by using a path analysis. The result of the path analysis confirmed significant differences in the growth effect of R&D investment depending on business size. However, the effect of increasing employment was difficult to obtain statistically significant results for any various combinations of business size and export value. This is a mixture of directions for the effects of R&D investment on employment, which could be due to the failure to consider appropriate time lags between investment and effect. Efficiency analysis by industry sectors confirmed significant differences in efficiency depending on business size, but differences depending on export value were difficult to identify. In order to derive improvement policy by industry sector according to business size and export value, the direction of selective support policy and universal support policy was derived for six industry groups by combining the return to scale in the efficiency analysis and R&D concentration. Hirschman-Herfindahl index is used for calculating R&D concentration.