1. Introduction 2. Materials and Method 2.1 Materials 2.2 Hydrothermal Desorption of Cs-gori ClayMinerals 3. Results and Discussion 3.1 Cs Desorption Effect of the Clay on Oxalic Acidand Complex Desorbents 3.2 Effects of Oxalic Acid and Complex Desorbentson the Structures of Clay Minerals 4. Conclusion REFERENCES
Sung Man Kim(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute/Chungnam National University)
Chan Woo Park(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Il-Gook Kim(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
Jun-Hyun Kim(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
So-Jin Park(Chungnam National University)
In-ho Yoon(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)