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Bringing Computational Thinking into Science Education KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/380558
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한국지구과학회지 (The Journal of The Korean Earth Science Society)
한국지구과학회 (The Korean Earth Science Society)

The purpose of science education is scientific literacy, which is extended in its meaning in the 21st century. Students must be equipped with the skills necessary to solve problems from the community beyond obtaining the knowledge from curiosity, which is called ‘computational thinking’. In this paper, the authors tried to define computational thinking in science education from the view of scientific literacy in the 21st century; (1) computational thinking is an explicit skill shown in the two steps of abstracting the problems and automating solutions, (2) computational thinking consists of concrete components and practices which are observable and measurable, (3) computational thinking is a catalyst for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education, and (4) computational thinking is a cognitive process to be learned. More implication about the necessity of including computational thinking and its emphasis in implementing in science teaching and learning for the envisioned scientific literacy is added.

The Purpose of Science Educationin the 21st Century
    Scientific Literacy with computational thinking
    The necessity of computational thinking fornew era in science education
Computational Thinking inScience Education
    The characteristics of computational thinkingin science education
    CT is an explicit skill in two steps of abstracting
    CT consists of concrete components/practicesto be observable and measurable
    CT is a catalyst for STEAM education
    CT is a cognitive process to be learned
The Implication of ComputationalThinking in Science Education
  • Young-Shin Park(Science Culture Education Center, Chosun University) Corresponding author
  • James Green(Science Culture Education Center, Chosun University)