X-ray astronomy deals with measurements of the electromagnetic radiation in the energy range of E \~ 0.1 − 100 k e V ( λ \~ 0.12 − 120 \AA ) . The wavelength of X-ray is comparable to the size of atoms, so that the photons in the X-ray range are usually produced and absorbed by the atomic processes. Since the launch of the first X-ray astronomy satellite 'Uhuru' in 1970, technological advances in a launch capability and a detection capability make X-ray astronomy one of the most rapidly evolving fields of astronomical research. Particularly, a spectral resolving power E / Δ E has been increased by an order of 2 - 3 (in the energy range of 0.1 - 10 keV) during the past 30years. In this paper, I briefly review a developing process of the resolving power and spectroscopic techniques. Then I describe important emission/absorption lines in X-ray astronomy, as well as diagnostics of gas property with line parameters.