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과학기술위성 1호 원자외선 분광기 FIMS의 배플 설계 KCI 등재


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  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/390303
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천문학논총 (Publications of the Korean Astronomical Society)
한국천문학회 (Korean Astronomical Society)

FIMS (Far-ultraviolet IMaging Spectrograph) is the main payload of STSAT-1 satellite which was successfully launched on September 27, 2003. The optical system of FIMS consists of two sets of parabolic cylinder mirror, slit, ellipsoidal reflection grating, and baffle system. We designed two types of baffle system for the FIMS: FOV baffle and order baffle. FOV baffle in the mirror house controls the field of view, and the order baffle in the vacuum box blocks the rays reflected rays by different orders.

  • 육인수(한국천문연구원) | J.-S YUK (Korea Astronomy Observatory)
  • 선광일(한국천문연구원) | K.-I. SEON (Korea Astronomy Observatory)
  • 유광선(한국과학기술원 인공위성연구센터) | K.-S. RYU (Satellite Technology Research Center, KAIST)
  • 진호(한국천문연구원) | H. JIN (Korea Astronomy Observatory)
  • 박장현(한국천문연구원) | J.-H. PARK (Korea Astronomy Observatory)
  • 남욱원(한국천문연구원) | U.-W. NAM (Korea Astronomy Observatory)
  • 이대희(한국과학기술원 인공위성연구센터) | D.-H. LEE (Satellite Technology Research Center, KAIST)
  • 오승한(한국과학기술원 인공위성연구센터) | S.-H. OH (Satellite Technology Research Center, KAIST)
  • 이진근((주)에이시스) | J.-G. RHEE (Advanced Scientific Instrument Support)
  • 한원용(한국천문연구원) | W.Y. HAN (Korea Astronomy Observatory)
  • 민경욱(한국과학기술원 인공위성연구센터) | K.-W. MIN (Satellite Technology Research Center, KAIST)
  • Jerry Edelstein(미국 (버클리소재) 캘리포니아 대학교)
  • Eric Korpela(미국 (버클리소재) 캘리포니아 대학교)