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Peace Island Village Care Models through Jeju World Peace Academy

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/394237
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세계환경사회거버넌스학회 (World Association for Island Studies)

We reach at conclusion that title of the 2021 GAN in Jeju Korea is “This Is Peace Island Care.” We have two reasons: one is that as we have basic assumption “ Jeju Island should need Peace Island Care in Asia Pacific region,” at village level beyond trauma of Jeju 4.3 Grand Tragedy (1947-1954), we try to illuminate Peace Island Village Care models to heal its trauma at grass roots level by both participants and villagers through Jeju World Peace Academy for 4 years (2016-2019) such as Jeju 4.3 damaged Buchonri, Dongkwang-ri, Ora-ri and Chungsoo ri assisting its resilience beyond its atrocities. It is important for us to connect the Peace Island Care models with other global care models globally. So, we introduce three village models to audience at the Toronto GAN Biennial conference : This Is Long Term Care 2019. It says “Transforming Ageing Together, a global approach to This Is Long Term Care 2019.

Jeju Peace Island Care : History and Background
Jeju Peace Island Care : History and Background
South Korea Delegation Joins in “WisdomTalk” GAN office in D.C.: Korean Care asa continuous Care system for the ageingpopulation (May 2, 2019).
  • Lee Kyung-won
  • Ko Chang Hoon
  • Song Shi-woo
  • Kim Deok-hyeon
  • Lee Won-jae
  • Ko Won-Seop
  • Im Se-jun
  • Kang Kwang-sik