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Ki Hadjar Dewantara Leadership Concept Development as a Sustainable Shareholder Value Driving Force KCI 등재 SCOPUS

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/400989
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한국유통과학회 (Korea Distribution Science Association)

This research examined the effect of KHD Leadership toward Sustainable Shareholder Value and mediated by IT & Business Strategy Alignement and Integrated Supply Chain Management. Therefore, with this research, it is expected to be able to develop the KHD Leadership in State-owned enterprises’ (SOEs) Indonesian. The population in this study were all echelon 1, 2, and 3 employees in the PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, PT Pupuk Petrokimia Gresik, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang, PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, as many as N = 1002 people. The appropriate sampling technique used is Proportional Stratified Random Sampling (n=300 employees). The statistical analysis used is SEM-WarpPLS method. IT & Business Strategy Alignement and Integrated Supply Chain Management significant and positive on Sustainable Shareholder Value. IT & Business Strategy Alignment and IT Integrated Suppy Chain Management is a mediating variable between the influence of KHD Leadership on Sustainable Shareholder Value. Novelty in this research is the development of Ki Hadjar Dewantara Leadership as the development of the concept of Javanese leadership that grows inherent in Indonesian society, especially Javanese society and is believed to be applicable in business and industrial organizations in Indonesia, of course it can also be implemented in Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company.

1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
    2.1. Leadership Theory
    2.2. IT and Business Strategy Alignment Theory
    2.3. Integrated Supply Chain Management Theory
    2.4. Sustainable Shareholder Value Theory
3. Research Methodology
4. Results and Discussion
    4.1. Measurement Model
    4.2. SEM Analysis
    4.3. Importance Performance Analysis (IPA)
    4.4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
  • Satriyo NUGROHO(Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, Indonesia) Corresponding Author
  • Umar NIMRAN(Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.)
  • Mochammad Al MUSADIEQ(Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.)
  • Solimun SOLIMUN(Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, Indonesia.)