고농도 칼륨처리를 활용한 원통형 종이포트 토마토묘의 도장억제
본 연구는 원통형 종이포트를 활용한 토마토 육묘시, 염스트레스를 활용하여 고온기 도장 억제가능성을 검토하기 위하여 수행되었다. 시험구는 K2SO4, KCl과 KH2PO4을 각 5, 10 dS·m-1로 처리하였고, 또한, 토마토 모종에 고염도의 칼륨을 처리하여 수분 및 저온스트레스 환경에서의 적응성 및 생존성을 조사하였다. 조사결과, 처리 농도가 높아질수록 지상·지하부 건물중, 옆면적, 순동화율 (NAR)이 감소하고, 경경과 충실도는 증가하였다. 수분 스트레스 처리 이후, 대조구는 심한 위조현상을 보였지만, KCl처리구는 양호하였다. 상대수분함량은 대조구에서 23%, KCl처리구에서 8% 감소 하였다. 또한, 대조구에 비하여 KCl 처리구는 저장시(9, 12 및 15°C) 모종의 손상 비율이 낮았다. 이와 같은 결과로 보아, KCl과 같은 고농도의 칼륨 처리가 원통형 종이포트 토마토 육묘의 도장 억제에 효과적이며 환경 스트레스 내성을 향상시키는 것으로 판단된다.
This study was conducted to examine the potential of inducing salinity stress on cylindrical paper pot tomato seedlings to inhibit overgrowth. Potassium fertilizers, sulfate of potash (K2SO4), muriate of potash (KCl), and monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4), were prepared as two solutions of (5 and 10) dS·m-1 salinity level, respectively, to investigate the influence on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seedling growth. We also investigated the adaptability and survivability of treated tomato seedlings with high-salinity potassium (10 dS·m-1 KCl) to harsh environmental conditions (water deficit, low temperature, and storage conditions). Repeated addition of high-salinity level KCl, K2SO4, or KH2PO4 markedly decreased the dry matter of shoot and root, leaf area, and net assimilate rates (NAR) but increased the stem diameter of seedlings. Among the three sources, the relative growth rate of plant height (RGRH) was most sensitive to KCl addition; increasing salinity levels of KCl solution decreased the RGRH of seedlings. The compactness, which directly reflects the stocky growth index, increased in KCl or KH2PO4 treatments. After a week’s water deficit, severely wilted seedlings were observed in control seedlings (untreated with KCl), but no wilted seedlings were observed in the KCl treated seedlings, and the relative water content (RWC) of the untreated seedlings significantly decreased by 23 %, while that of the pretreated seedlings only decreased by 8 %. The increase in ion leakage of KCl treated seedlings at low temperatures was less than that of untreated seedlings. Furthermore, there was far lower damage proportion on pretreated seedlings at (9, 12, and 15)°C storage temperatures after 20 days, compared with on unpretreated seedlings. Our results suggest that high-salinity potassium fertilizer, especially KCl, is effective in preventing tomato seedling overgrowth, while it also improves tolerance.