In this study, the applicability of reduction-oxidation-linked treatment was evaluated for nitrobenzene and a by-product by analyzing the reaction kinetics. Nitrobenzene showed very low reactivity to persulfate that was activated using various methods. Nitrobenzene effectively reacted through the reduction process using Zero-Valent Iron (ZVI). However, aniline, a toxic substance, was produced as a by-product. Reduction-oxidation-linked treatment is a method that can allow the oxidative degradation of aniline after reducing nitrobenzene to aniline. The experimental results show improved reactivity and complete decomposition of the by-product. Improved reactivity and decomposition of the by-product were observed even under conditions in which the reduction-oxidation reaction was induced simultaneously. No activator was injected for persulfate activation in the process of reducing oxidant linkage, and the activation reaction was induced by ferrous iron eluted from the ZVI. This indicates that this method can be implemented relatively simply.