The mechanism of anti-aging of fermented jujube (Zizyphus jujuba fruits (ZJF)) was investigated using transgenic daf-16 and mev-1 strains of C. elegans. Jujube extracts fermented for 7 days (F7-ZJF) and 14 days (F14-ZJF) with Laetiporus sulphureus were treated to a NGM agar plate with 10-15 transgenic daf-16 and mev-1 strains of the synchronized age. There was no difference of lifespan between the drug-treated group (7-day fermented ex. (F7-zjf-200 ㎍ /mL), 14-day fermented ex. (F14-zjf-200 ㎍/mL)) and the non-treatment group in both daf-16 and mev-1 strains. In the thermal stress experiment, F7-zjf-200 ㎍/mL showed a significant (t = 4.017) activity in thermal stress resistance with a 12% higher survival rate than the control group. In the survival test in H2O2, F7-zjf-200 ㎍/mL and F14-zjf-100 ㎍/mL have significant activity in oxidative stress resistance compared to the control group. This study indicates that life span expand of N2 strain of the jujube extract is related to the regulation of daf-16 and inhibition of mev-1 signal in C. elegans.