Seung Ho Baek(Risk Assessment Research Center, KIOST (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)/Department of Ocean Science, University of Science and Technology)
Corresponding author
Young Kyun Lim(Risk Assessment Research Center, KIOST (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology)/Department of Ocean Science, University of Science and Technology)
Giseop Lee(Department of Ocean Science, University of Science and Technology/Marine Bigdata Center, KIOST (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology))
Bum Soo Park(Marine Ecosystem Research Center, KIOST (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology))
Hong-Yeon Cho(Department of Ocean Science, University of Science and Technology/Marine Bigdata Center, KIOST (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology))
Jin-Yong Choi(Marine Disaster Research Center, KIOST (Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology))