양자내성암호기술 기반 국방카드형 USB 보안토큰 운용
In this paper, following the recent development of optical transmission device equipped with Post-Quantum Cryptography, it proposes to improve the level of defense security system by applying USB security token with Q-PUF USB technology. Although trends of quantum computer development are currently in progress, quantum computer, which have been developed so far, have exceeded the computational capabilities of existing supercomputers. This allows us to easily decode the public certificates and encryption keys. Although the frequency of using public certificates is decreasing due to the abolition of public certificates in May 2020, Republic of Korea Army still uses public certificates for various defense authentication systems. This reality calls for a stronger security systems. Meanwhile, korean technology companies have developed a portable USB security token that can increase security against the use of the quantum computer, and the author suggests the application of it at the defense environment. This report suggests the application of the defense and its expected effectiveness.