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A case study on change of body measurements and silhouette after wearing early 19th century corsets KCI 등재

19세기 초반 코르셋 착용에 따른 인체 치수와 실루엣 변화 사례연구

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/409517
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,100원
복식문화연구 (The Research Journal of the Costume Culture)
복식문화학회 (The Costume Culture Association)

The purpose of this study was to analyze changes to body measurements and silhouettes after wearing an early 19th century women’s corset. Two types of corsets were tested. Changes in body size and silhouette were compared based on the levels of tightening strength of the corset. The tightening strength was adjusted in 4 steps by making the length of back fastening string 10-40 cm shorter than the standard. The silhouette was compared with the front silhouette and the side silhouette. The results were as follows. After wearing the experimental 19th century corsets, the chest circumference and front interscye length increased. However, the chest circumference did not increase proportionally to the tightening strength. The underbust circumference, waist circumference, and back interscye length also decreased. The waist width was decreased to create a slim front silhouette. The change in the body silhouette differed depending on the style of the experimental corset. The experimental corset made with the six-piece torso pattern changed the posture so that the shoulders were pulled back and the chest was pushed forward. The experimental corset with the side bodice pattern resulted in the subject’s shoulders reclining backward and the chest and abdomen extending forward. The results of this study show that women’s body sizes and silhouettes could be changed by wearing the early 19th century corsets, but the changes in body size and silhouette vary depending on the wearer's individual body type or corset style.

I. Introduction
Ⅱ. Background
    1. The features of early 19th century women’s dress silhouette
    2. The features of early 19th century women’s corset
    3. Previous studies on the reproduction ofwomen’s dress in the 19th century
III. Methods
    1. Pattern of experimental corsets
    2. Making experimental corsets
    3. Wearing test
IV. Result and Discussion
    1. Changes in the body size
    2. Changes in the body silhouette
V. Conclusion
  • Yoo Jeong Hahn(연세대학교 의류환경학과) | 한유정
  • Jong Suk Chun(연세대학교 의류환경학과) | 천종숙 Corresponding author
  • Dong Ae Suh(명지대학교 디자인학부) | 서동애
  • Seol Young Oh(연세대학교 의류환경학과) | 오설영