COVID-19가 패션 필름에 미친 영향 - 프라다의 COVID-19 전후 패션 필름 사례 비교 분석을 중심으로 -
The purpose of this study is to examine emerging trends in fashion films and the impact of COVID-19 through analysis of Prada films produced before and after the initial spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. We selected 40 cases occurring prior to the pandemic, from June to December 2019, and 21 cases occurring since the outbreak, from June to December 2020. To identify relevant trends, we conduct a literature review and examine a range of case studies. First, travel restrictions and confronting activities currently inhibit production. Through our case study analysis, we identify nineteen cases in between before and after COVID-19. Secondly, Prada can be seen to mainly produce episodes and promotional films. Additionally, it develops content showcasing brand values in environmental, cultural, creative, and sport-related fields; intended audiences extend beyond the realm of fashion. Thirdly, a new film category began to develop after the outbreak of COVID-19, namely, narrative films utilizing virtual interactions. According to our analysis results, we expect film production that is increasingly facilitated by virtual communication, technology utilization, and online platforms to continue even after the resolution of COVID-19. New film categories will emerge, and we predict that the gap between the number of cases before and after COVID-19 will narrow.