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Topic Modeling Analysis Comparison for Research Topic in Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering: Concentrated on Research Papers from 1978∼1999 KCI 등재

한국산업경영시스템학회지 연구 주제의 토픽모델링 분석 비교: 1978년∼99년 논문을 중심으로

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/411693
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,800원
한국산업경영시스템학회지 (Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)
한국산업경영시스템학회 (Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)

Topic modeling has been receiving much attention in academic disciplines in recent years. Topic modeling is one of the applications in machine learning and natural language processing. It is a statistical modeling procedure to discover topics in the collection of documents. Recently, there have been many attempts to find out topics in diverse fields of academic research. Although the first Department of Industrial Engineering (I.E.) was established in Hanyang university in 1958, Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers (KIIE) which is truly the most academic society was first founded to contribute to research for I.E. and promote industrial techniques in 1974. Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering (KSIE) was established four years later. However, the research topics for KSIE journal have not been deeply examined up until now. Using topic modeling algorithms, we cautiously aim to detect the research topics of KSIE journal for the first half of the society history, from 1978 to 1999. We made use of titles and abstracts in research papers to find out topics in KSIE journal by conducting four algorithms, LSA, HDP, LDA, and LDA Mallet. Topic analysis results obtained by the algorithms were compared. We tried to show the whole procedure of topic analysis in detail for further practical use in future. We employed visualization techniques by using analysis result obtained from LDA. As a result of thorough analysis of topic modeling, eight major research topics were discovered including Production/Logistics/Inventory, Reliability, Quality, Probability/Statistics, Management Engineering/Industry, Engineering Economy, Human Factor/Safety/Computer/Information Technology, and Heuristics/Optimization.

1. 서 론
2. 이론적 배경
    2.1 토픽모델링
    2.2 토픽모델링 알고리즘의 비교
    2.3 학술 분야의 활용
3. 연구 프레임워크
    3.1 연구개요
    3.2 자료의 수집과 파일변환
    3.3 탐색적 자료 분석
    3.4 전처리
    3.5 토픽모델링과 시각화
4. 토픽모델링
    4.1 게재 논문의 현황
    4.2 탐색적 자료 분석
    4.3 주제의 개수 및 의미 결정 시 고려사항
    4.4 초록에 의한 토픽모델링 분석 결과
    4.5 제목에 의한 LDA와 LDA Mallet 분석 결과
5. 결 론
    5.1 분석 결과의 요약
    5.2 연구의 의의 및 제한점
  • Dong Joon Park(부경대학교 통계학과) | 박동준
  • Hyung Sool Oh(강원대학교 산업경영공학과) | 오형술
  • Ho Gyun Kim(동의대학교 산업경영공학과) | 김호균
  • Min Yoon(부경대학교 응용수학과) | 윤민 Corresponding Author