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現代漢語新興程度副詞“巨”的認知語義演化機制分析 KCI 등재

Evolution Mechanism of the Chinese Emerging Degree Adverb ‘Ju(巨)’s Meaning in Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/412224
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,800원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

本文從認知語言學的角度出發,圍繞新興程度副詞“巨”的語義演化機制進行了較爲 深入的研究。第一,考察了形容詞“巨”與程度副詞“巨”的語義特征,二者分別對應程 度副詞“巨”的原型語義與現語義。第二,比較了形容詞“巨”與程度副詞“巨”二者意 象圖式的異同點,分析了“巨”的認知域轉換模式並揭示隱喻模型在解釋“巨”語義演化 上的缺陷。第三,本文引入了認知語言學中的概念合成空間理論,在語料統計的基礎上選 取“巨多”、“巨好”、“巨痛”爲例,對“巨+A/V(P)”結構的概念合成空間進行了 繪制與分析,並發現“巨”與“A/V(P)”在語義映射過程中的不對稱性,揭示出“比標 准量大/大許多”這一區別結果在語義演化過程中的關鍵性,並且通過對不對性的進一步 分析,確認了“巨”的[+主觀性]語義特征的生成與後接成分有緊密聯系。

There are many changes appeared with the Chinese degree adverbs as languages evolve over time, such as the emerging degree adverb ‘ju(巨)’ and the phrase structures like ‘巨多’, ‘巨好’, ‘巨痛’ are used in our daily communication commonly. This article discussed about the evolution mechanism of the Chinese emerging degree adverb ‘ju(巨)’s meaning in perspective of cognitive linguistics. First, we focused on the prototype meaning of ‘ju(巨)’ which is a adjective and the existing meaning of ‘ju(巨)’ which is used as a degree adverb. Second, we compared the image schema of the adjective ‘ju(巨)’ with the image schema of the degree adverb ‘ju(巨)’ and managed to find the differences between them. Then we studied the evolution mechanism of the degree adverb ‘ju(巨)’s meaning that is metaphor and made ‘ju(巨)’s metaphor mapping model. Third, we chose ‘巨多’, ‘巨好’ and ‘巨痛’ as examples by corpus-based study and used the conceptual blending theory to compared the conceptual blending spaces of them. Lastly, we found a general rule that can have reference significance to the study about the evolution of the other emerging degree adverbs, such as ‘狂’, ‘神’and so on. 저 자

1. 引言
2. 程度副詞“巨”的原型語義與現語義
3. 程度副詞“巨”的語義演化機制
  • 陳依諾(第一著者。延世大學校 中語中文學科 博世課程) | 진의나
  • 明洋洋(尚志大學校 中國文化產業學科 助教授) | 밍양양 Corresponding author
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