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在韩中国留学生使用韩语名字形式喜好度调查研究* ― 以釜山P大学中国留学生为对象 KCI 등재

A Survey of Chinese Students’ Preference for Choosing the Forms of Korean Names in South Korea : Targeting Chinese Students from P University in Busan

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/412227
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,800원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

人名是人类社交中的个体标志,它不仅是个语言符号,更是各国历史,文化的结晶。 近年来,随着中韩两国的交流日益频繁,越来越多的中国人受到“韩流”的影响,选择来 韩国留学。为了保证留学生在韩国学习和生活,取一个合适的韩语名字,既是留学生了解 和亲近韩国文化的第一步,还有助于留学生对韩语产生亲切感,融入当地的环境。中韩同 属“汉字文化圈”,以前把中国人名字翻译成韩语时大多是选择汉字相对应的韩语标记, 而现在是按照“外来语标记法”来进行标记。但实际上这并没有得到很好的遵守,外国人 的韩语名字混译的情况一直存在。本文通过对釜山P大学的211位留学生使用的韩语名字形 式喜好度进行调查分析,得出的结果是表明中韩两国有汉字为纽带,在为中国留学生取名 时也应考虑到文化的因素,不必要像标记欧美国家人的名字一样按发音来进行标记。

Name is an individual symbol in human society. It is not only a language symbol, but also the crystallization of the history and culture of various countries. In recent years, with the increasingly frequent exchanges between China and South Korea, more and more Chinese people are influenced by the “Korean Wave” and choose to study in South Korea. A proper Korean name can help international students learn Korean better, understand Korean culture, and adapt to Korean life and so on. Both China and South Korea belong to “the Cultural Sphere of Chinese Characters”. In the past, when Chinese names were translated into Korean, most of them chose Korean symbols corresponding to Chinese characters, but now they are marked according to the “Loanword orthography”. But in fact, this is not binding, and can not be well observed. Foreigners’ Korean names have always translation mixed. This paper investigates and analyzes the preference of Korean name forms used by 211 international students of P University in Busan. The result is that China and South Korea are both belong to Chinese cultural circles. When naming Chinese students, it is not necessary to mark according to the Loanword orthography like translating the names of European and American. At the same time, cultural factors should also be considered for translation.

1. 引言
2. 文献综述
    1) 有关中韩人名的研究
    2) 人名翻译方式
3. 调查问卷分析
    1) 问卷调查对象基本信息描述分析
    2) 交叉分析
4. 调查问卷结果
5. 结论
  • 樊杰(第一作者。釜庆大学中国学科博士) | 판지에
  • 金炫兑(釜庆大学中国学科教授) | 김현태 Corresponding author
  • 王彦迪(合作作者。釜庆大学中国学科硕博连读研究生课程) | 왕옌디
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