본 연구에서는 겉보리를 고체 기질로 사용하여 액체발효(LSF)와 고 체발효(SSF)를 수행하였으며, 또한 겉보리의 발아(germination) 에 따른 SSF 및 A. oryzae NIBRFGC000501965와 A. pullulans KCCM60122의 혼합발효를 통해 효소 및 β-glucan 생산에 대한 고체발효 연구를 수행하였다. 이러한 연구결과들은 기존의 고체발 효법에서 효소 및 β-glucan 생산에 있어 효율적인 발효공정의 기 초자료로 유용한 정보를 제공할 것으로 판단된다.
The solid-state fermentation was carried out to produce enzymes and β-glucan using hulled barley with different germination time conditions and co-culture processes. The ergosterol concentration determined by high-performance liquid chromatography at UV 254 nm was used as a biomass indicator for fungal growth. Solid-state fermentation of hulled barley pretreated for 60 min at 121°C produced greater fungal biomass as well as increased concentrations of enzymes and β-glucan. The best germination time of solid-state fermentation was found to be 24 h. Maximum fungal biomass of 0.76 mg/g, amylase (23,293.10 U/g), protease (512.6 U/g), and β- glucan at 11.2% (w/w) were obtained during fermentation. Solid-state fermentation with co-culture was carried out using Aspergillus oryzae NIBRFGC000501965 and Aureobasidium pullulans KCCM60122 to improve the β-glucan production. Maximum productions of fungal biomass, amylase, protease, and β-glucan were 1.26 mg/g, 33,206.89 U/g, 1,735.9 U/g, and 13.3% (w/w), respectively, at 60% of moisture content condition. Therefore, solid-state fermentation of hulled barley is a process that could enhance the yield and overall production of enzymes and β-glucan.