The purpose of this study is to explore the language attitude of 20s toward genderlect. This study focused on the representation of genderlects in South Korean dramas, and was based on the media reception theory. In the research, 32 men and women aged between 19 to 24 were interviewed in focus groups. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The research results are as follows. First, the participants partially recognized the characteristics of genderlect which were reported in previous studies, and the opinions among the participants hardly agreed. Second, the way which dramas represent genderlect was shown as breaking away from traditional gender roles and the reestablishment of overturned gender roles. Third, this study categorized the positive and negative responses of the participants toward the use of gender language. Fourth, participants’ attitude toward genderlect was gradually arranged from negotiation to opposition. This study is meaningful in that it comprehensively demonstrated the language attitudes of the younger generation. However, there still remains a margin on further research in consideration of non-binary participants and broader contexts.