The Gwangju Stream is a major tributary of the Yeongsan River. To maintain environmental and ecological functions in the stream, the flow is secured by natural water from the Mudeung Mountain as well as waters discharged from Lake Juam and the Gwangju sewage treatment plants. A substantial amount of water is supplied into the upper reaches of Gwangju Stream from Lake Juam. To examine the ecological effects of the water input from Lake Juam on the Gwangju Stream, a field survey of phytoplankton community species and an evaluation of water properties was conducted at five stations, from station GJ1 before the inflow to station GJ5 in the lower region. Nutrient levels decreased in the vicinity of the Lake Juam inflow, suggesting that this water inflow can contribute to the reduction of eutrophication in the stream. The phytoplankton community was mainly composed of Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, and Cyanophyceae, and the community structure was similar to that of the other study sites located near the water inflow regions. The inflow of water from Lake Juam can affect water quality and the phytoplankton community over a limited area, reducingeutrophication and increasing water flow in the Gwangju Stream.