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공기업 해외발전 EPC 사업 진출 시 조직성향에 따른 위험관리 방안에 관한 연구 KCI 등재후보

A Proposal for Risk Management according to Organizational Tendency for the Overseas EPC Projects of Public Company

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/415499
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대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

Power generation construction projects involving large amounts of capital can affect the survival of a company along with huge economic losses in the event of a business failure. In general, private companies are organizations with challenging risk taking tendencies while public companies have a risk averse tendency to avoid risk, so these differences in organizational tendencies make it difficult to respond to risk. In particular, public companies are more likely to fail than private companies because they choose the contradiction of risk picking to enter overseas markets with high uncertainty despite their tendency to risk averse due to the nature of the organization. Therefore, these organizations need risk management techniques that reflect a risk-averse strategy. Accordingly, this paper analyzes the risk management research papers of the existing overseas development EPC business in order to find the risk management techniques related to the organizational tendencies of public companies and proposes “establishing a performance audit system for risk management of the organizational tendencies of public companies” as a way to extract the risk factors through the examples of overseas development projects of public companies and to manage the organizational tendencies of public companies that affect them.

1. 서 론
2. 국내 전력산업 현황 및 발전 공기업의 대응
    2.1 전력수요 성장 한계
    2.2 1인당 전력 소비율
    2.3 전력 공기업의 해외시장 진출 방향
3. 발전소 건설 EPC 사업에 대한 위험관리
    3.1 발전소 건설 EPC 사업 특성
    3.2 위험관리
4. 공기업 해외발전 EPC 사업 위험관리
    4.1 해외발전 EPC 사업의 위험 특성
    4.2 공기업 조직성향에 따른 위험요인 및관리 필요성
    4.3 선행 연구 검토
5. 공기업 조직 성향에 따른 해외발전EPC 사업 위험관리 시스템 구축
    5.1 위험대응 기본 방법
    5.2 공기업 해외발전 EPC 사업 위험관리 사례
    5.3 위험회피형 공기업 조직성향 관리 방안모색 및 대안 제시
    5.4 성과감사 Feedback 시스템
6. 결 론
7. References
  • 장형식(남서울대학교 대학원 산업경영공학과 박사과정) | Jang Hyung Sik (Namseoul University Graduate School, Industrial Management Engineering)
  • 구일섭(남서울대학교 빅데이터경영공학과) | Koo Il Seob (Namseoul University, Dept. of Bigdata & Management Engineering) Corresponding author