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하마오카 원자력 발전소 지진 기록 분석을 통한 지진응 답의 공간적 변화 평가 KCI 등재

Assessment of Seismic Response Spatial Variation Through the Analysis of Earthquake Records at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/416323
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국지진공학회 (Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea)

In assessing the seismic safety of nuclear power plants, it is essential to analyze the structures using the observed ground motion. In particular, spatial variation in which the characteristics of the ground motion record differ may occur if the location is different within the site and even if the same earthquake is experienced. This study analyzed the spatial variation characteristics of the ground motion observed at the structure and site using the earthquake records measured at the Hamaoka nuclear power plant. Even if they were located on the same floor within the same unit, there was a difference in response depending on the location. In addition, amplification was observed in Unit 5 compared to other units, which was due to the rock layer having a slower shear wave velocity than the surrounding bedrock. Significant differences were also found in the records of the structure’s foundation and the free-field surface. Based on these results, the necessity of considering spatial variation in the observed records was suggested.

1. 서 론
2. 지반운동 계측 데이터
3. 깊이에 따른 지반 계측 데이터의 증폭 특성
4. 구조물 계측 데이터의 공간적 변동 특성
    4.1 동일 호기에서의 기초면 응답 특성
    4.2 호기 별 기초면 응답 특성
5. 구조물의 기초면과 자유장 응답 비교
6. 결 론
감사의 글
  • 함대기(한국원자력연구원 첨단구조·지진안전연구부 책임연구원) | Hahm Dae Gi (Principal Researcher, Advanced Structures and Seismic Safety Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy)
  • 김민규(한국원자력연구원 첨단구조·지진안전연구부 책 임연구원) | Kim Min Kyu (Principal Researcher, Advanced Structures and Seismic Safety Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy)
  • 하정곤(한국원자력연구원 첨단구조·지진안전연구부 선임연구원) | Ha Jeong Gon (Senior Researcher, Advanced Structures and Seismic Safety Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute)
  • 지혜연(한국원자력연구원 첨단구조·지진안전연구부 인턴연구원) | Ji Hae Yeon (Intern Researcher, Advanced Structures and Seismic Safety Research Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) Corresponding Author