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손목 스트레칭이 파악력과 근골격계질환에 미치는 영향 KCI 등재후보

The Effect of Wrist Stretching on Grasping Power and Musculoskeletal Disorders

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/416853
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

In order to conduct a study on the importance of the wrist joint, which causes a lot of pain among middle-aged people, in relation to work related to musculoskeletal disorders, the effect of stretching on grasping power was studied. In order to compare the grasping power of the wrist for middle-aged people in their 50s, the experiment was conducted by comparing before and after the wrist joint motion stretching. According to the experimental results of wrist gripping power for the control group and the experiment group on wrist gripping power, it was investigated that stretching did not change much in increasing wrist gripping power, but stretching application had an effect on wrist gripping power. In terms of preventing musculoskeletal accidents, reducing pain due to degenerative diseases, and preventing accidents, stretching seems to have an effect when approaching, so it is considered that continuous stretching before and after work is necessary. Therefore, it is suggested that stretching time secured quantitatively through safety and health education before work is necessary.

1. 서 론
2. 선행연구
    2.1 연구에 대한 고찰
    2.2 손목 관련 근골격계질환 동향
    2.3 스트레칭과 파악력에 대한 이해
    2.4 손/손목 관련 근골격계 재해 사례
3. 연구방법
    3.1 연구실험대상
    3.2 연구모델
    3.3 실험방법
4. 연구결과
    4.1 실험군의 특성
    4.2 파악력 실험 측정 후 결과
5. 결 론
6. References
  • 유헌종(동방대학교대학원 자연치유학과) | Heon–Jong You (Department of Naturopathy, Dongbang Culture University) Corresponding author