Freshwater and brackish blue-green algae were collected at 43 freshwater and brackish sites (including lakes, ponds, swamps, streams, and rivers and estuaries) throughout South Korea from March 2017 to October 2018, and were identified using light microscopy. A total 223 taxa in freshwater and 230 taxa in brackish waters in 2017 and 274 taxa in fresh and brackish waters in 2018 were identified and among them, 20 taxa were unreported taxa of blue-green algae in Korea; The new recorded taxa were Aphanocapsa marina, Calothrix fusca f. durabilis, Calothrix littoralis, Calothrix parva, Chamaesiphon minimus, Chroococcidiopsis cubana, Chroococcidiopsis fissurarum, Coelosphaerium aerugineum, Dolichospermum mendotae, Eucapsis alpine, Gomphosphaeria cordiformis, Gomphosphaeria natans, Merismopedia danubiana, Lynbya aestuarii var. gaditana, Tolypothrix tenuis, Pseudocapsa maritima, Pseudocapsa sphaerica, Pseudophormidium tenue, Trichodesmus sp. and Woronichinia elorantae.