Compositional Feature Selection and Its Effects on Bandgap Prediction by Machine Learning
The bandgap characteristics of semiconductor materials are an important factor when utilizing semiconductor materials for various applications. In this study, based on data provided by AFLOW (Automatic-FLOW for Materials Discovery), the bandgap of a semiconductor material was predicted using only the material’s compositional features. The compositional features were generated using the python module of ‘Pymatgen’ and ‘Matminer’. Pearson’s correlation coefficients (PCC) between the compositional features were calculated and those with a correlation coefficient value larger than 0.95 were removed in order to avoid overfitting. The bandgap prediction performance was compared using the metrics of R2 score and root-mean-squared error. By predicting the bandgap with randomforest and xgboost as representatives of the ensemble algorithm, it was found that xgboost gave better results after cross-validation and hyper-parameter tuning. To investigate the effect of compositional feature selection on the bandgap prediction of the machine learning model, the prediction performance was studied according to the number of features based on feature importance methods. It was found that there were no significant changes in prediction performance beyond the appropriate feature. Furthermore, artificial neural networks were employed to compare the prediction performance by adjusting the number of features guided by the PCC values, resulting in the best R2 score of 0.811. By comparing and analyzing the bandgap distribution and prediction performance according to the material group containing specific elements (F, N, Yb, Eu, Zn, B, Si, Ge, Fe Al), various information for material design was obtained.