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淺談台灣廣告標語之台灣華語諧音雙關研究 KCI 등재

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/423160
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,900원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

雙關常令聽讀者感到新奇有趣、富有創意,因此在日常生活中大量使用。但由於它非 單一含意的語言形式,需要搭配較多的目標語文化、語境先備知識,讓其在華語教材和華 語教師的教學目標上並不重視。過去華語雙關的研究中,除了修辭學本身的研究以外,多 數從語用學的角度出發,剖析雙關語的使用動機與理解,卻很少針對非母語者的角度對理 解或教學方法進行更深入地探討。本研究綜合理論研究,並整合文獻中對於雙關語的教學 討論,針對華語諧音雙關提出教學建議,讓未來華語教師欲進行雙關教學時,不再僅以雙 關語中使用的詞彙等級作為雙關語難易度的唯一依據,而是能針對諧音雙關的類型,考量 影響理解諧音雙關的要素,循序漸進地進行教學,希冀能有效提升學習者的華語閱讀素 養。

Listeners and readers often find puns interesting and creative so that puns are widely used in daily life. However, puns are underemphasized by Chinese teachers and the designers of Chinese textbooks in terms of teaching aims because of their varie language forms and the relatively high requirements for both cultural and contextual knowledge of the target language. In the past studies of Chinese puns, in addition to the study of rhetoric, most of the studies analyzed the motivation and understanding of puns from the perspective of pragmatics. This thesis aims to analyze homophonic puns at two levels from Chinese second language learners’ points of view. As for the first level, this study employs the relationships between language forms and meaning of Langacker(1987)and Taylor(2002)as the framework and deconstruct the collected advertising pun corpus into three elements: form, sound and meaning. What is more, in addition to non-verbal information discussions such as trademarks and illustrations, the homophonic puns aredivided into five types based on their differences and similarities of semantic construction. The five types are “no text replacement with non-verbal information”, “no text replacement and prior knowledge”, “text replacement and meaning integration into sentences”, “text replacement and meaning independence from sentences” and “textre placement and self-organization sentences”.

1. 引言
2. 標語諧音雙關的定義
    1) 雙關語的成因
    2) 雙關語的形式與功能
3. 標語諧音雙關的分類
    1) 諧音與語義雙關
4. 結語
  • 戴恒(釜山外國語大學中文系副教授) | 따이허언
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