한국산 수삼을 주서로 갈아 30분간 끓인 다음 착즙, 원심분리하여 당을 추출하여 HPLC 및 TLC로 당을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 수크로오스는 3.77%, 말토오스는 3.5%, 프룩토오스는 0.09%, 글루코오스는 0.04%, 전분은 3.9%로 나타났다. 다른 소당류는 검출되지 않았다. NMR 분석 결과 전분은 α-1, 4-글루코시드 결합만을 나타내고, 요오드 반응은 아밀로오스(DP 117) 흡광도의 92%를 나타냈기 때문에 아밀로오스만으로 이루어진 것으로 나타났다. 카르바졸법으로 펙틴을 분석한 결과 갈락투론산으로 0.22%를 나타냈다.
Sugars in Korean ginseng(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) were studied by HPLC, TLC and NMR. The sugars in Korean ginseng were crushed and extracted by boiling for 30 min. Korean ginseng was found to contain 3.77% of sucrose, 3.50% of maltose, 0.09% of fructose and 0.04% of glucose and 3.90% of starch. No other mono- and oligosaccharides were detected in the test of TLC and HPLC. Starch in ginseng showed only signal of α-1, 4-glucosidic linkage by proton NMR analysis, and showed 92% of absorbance by iodine reaction compared with amylose(DP 117). These results indicated that starch in Korean ginseng is composed by only amylose. Pectin content in ginseng showed 0.22% as galcturonic acid by carbazole analysis.