감귤류 (자몽, 레몬, 금귤, 밀감 및 오렌지)를 착즙하여 얻은 쥬스를 sep-pak C_18 cartridge를 사용하여 ascorbate 및 phenolic 획분으로 분리한 다음 pH를 달리한 in vitro 반응계에서 아질산염 소거 및 N-nitrosodimenthylamine(NDMA) 생성억제 효과를 분석하였다. 감귤류 쥬스 ascorbate 획분의 아질산염 소거능은 5ml 첨가시 pH 2.5 에서 79.9 ~ 98.6%, pH 4.2에서 48.5 ~ 86.3%였으나, pH6.0에서는 35.2% 이하였다. Phenolic 획분은 ascorbate 획분에 비해 높은 소거능을 보였으며 특히 pH6.0 에서는 ascorbate 획분에 비해 2배 이상의 높은 소거능을 나타내었다. NDMA 생성억제 효과는 phenolic 획분의 첨가시에 월등히 뛰어나 pH 2.5의 반응용액에 금귤, 밀감 및 오렌지쥬스의 phenolic 획분을 첨가했을 때 92.8% 이상이었으나, ascorbate 획분이 첨가된 경우에는 NDMA 생성 억제 효과를 거의 나타내지 못하였다. 따라서 감귤류 쥬스의 NDMA 생성억제와 관련된 주된 인자는 phenol 화합물인 것으로 사료된다.
Five citrus juices were separated into a ascorbate and phenolic portion using sep-pak C_18 catridge, respectively, in order to elucidate the nitrite scavenging effect and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) formation in model system. the nitrite scavenging effect of ascorbate portion from citrus juices, in the different pH, when added with 5ml were 79.9 ~ 98.6% under the condition of pH 2.5, 48.5 ~ 86.3% at pH 4.2 and lower than 35.2% at pH 6.0. The nitrite scavenging effect was excellent phenolic portion rather than ascorbate portion. Particularly, the effect was more 2 times than ascorbate portion under the reaction condition of pH 6.0. When added the phenolic portion in the reaction mixture, NDMA formation was inhibited 92.8% or more in kum quat, mandarin orange and sweet orange juices. But the ascorbate portion was a negative response of the inhibition of NDMA formation. The inhibition on NDMA formation in citrus juice may be due to phenolic compounds were reacted.