본 실험은 벌꿀이 항균활성에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위해 국내산 벌꿀인 밤꿀, 잡화, 아카시아, 재래종 벌꿀과 외국산 벌꿀인 마누카, 클로버, 캐놀라 벌꿀 그리고 인공벌꿀을 각각 12.5%, 25.0%, 50% 의 희석액으로 조제하여 catalase 무첨가 또는 첨가한 경우에 있어서 벌꿀의 Staphylococcus aureus에 대한 항균활성을 agar well diffusion assay로 비교한 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. Catalase 무첨가의 경우 12.5% 희석한 벌꿀은 마누카꿀> 밤꿀이, 25.0%로 희석한 벌꿀은 마누카 꿀> 밤꿀 > 잡화꿀 > 재래종꿀 > 클로버 꿀 > 아카시아꿀이 , 50.0%로 희석한 벌꿀은 마누카꿀 > 밤꿀 > 캐롤라꿀 > 재래종 꿀 > 잡화꿀 > 클로버꿀 > 아카시아 꿀 순으로 항균활성이 인정되었다 (p >0.01). Catalase 무첨가의 경우 12.5%, 25.0%, 50.0%로 희석한 벌꿀의 생육억제환은 각각 5.85 ~ 6.60 mm, 4.26 ~ 8.27 mm, 5.24 ~ 11.49 mm 범위였다. Catalase 첨가의 경우 12.5%로 희석한 벌꿀은 마누카꿀에서만 항균활성을 나타냈다. 25.0% 로 희석한 벌꿀은 마누카꿀이 밤꿀보다 항균활성이 더 높게 나타냈다 (p > 0.01). 50.0% 로 희석한 벌꿀은 마누카꿀 > 밤꿀 > 클로버꿀 > 캐로라꿀 > 재래종꿀 순으로 항균활성이 높았으며 마누카꿀, 밤꿀, 클로버꿀, 캐롤라꿀, 재래종 꿀 사이에서 유의성이 인정되었다 (p > 0.01). Catalase 첨가의 경우 12.5 %, 25.0 %, 50.0 %로 희석한 벌꿀의 생육억제환은 각각 5.89 mm, 5.01 ~ 6.84 mm, 3.10 ~ 8.28 mm 범위였다.
This study examined for the investigation the effect of honey on antibacterial activity. The experimental honey were used the domestics, or chestnut honey, multiflower honey, acassia honey, native honey and the foreign, or manuka honey, clover honey, canola honey, and the artificial honey, made with the diluted solution of each 12.5%, 25.0%, 50.0%. The result of compared the occasion of added-catalase with not added-catalase about the honey`s antibacterial activity on Staphylococcus aureus by agar well diffusion assay were as follows. When catalase was not added, manuka honey antibacterial activity was superior to chestnut honey`s in the diluted honey of 12.5% and on the occasion of the diluted honey of 25.0%, it was approved in the order of manuka honey > chestnut honey > multiflower honey > native honey > clover honey > acassia honey and the occasion of the diluted honey > multiflower honey > native honey > clover honey > acassia honey and the occasion of the diluted honey of 50.0j% , it was approved in the order of manuka honey > chestnut honey > canola honey > native honey > multiflower honey > clover honey > acassia honey (p > 0.01). The clear zone representing inhibition of growth in diluted honey of 12.5, 25.0, 50.0 % with non-treat catalase ranged from 5.85 to 6.60, 4.26 to 8.27, 5.24 to 11.49 mm, respectively. When the catalase was added, antibacterial activity only showed in the manuka homey of 12.5% and on the occasion of the diluted honey of 25.0% manuka honey`s antibacterial activity was superior to chestnut honey (Pp > 0.01). On the occasion of the diluted honey of 50.0 %, antibacterial activity was high in the order of manuka honey > chestnut honey > clover honey > canola honey > native honey (p > 0.01). The correlation was approved significantly among the manuka honey, chestnut honey, clover honey, canola honey and native honey. The clear zone representing inhibition of growth in diluted honey of 12.5, 25.0, 50.0 % with treat catalase ranged from 5.89, 5.01 to 6.84, 3.10 to 8.18 mm, respectively.