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A Literature Review on College Students’ Entrepreneurial Intention and Influencing Factors

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/428521
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한중경제문화연구 (Korea-China Economic & Cultural Review)
한중경제문화학회 (Korea-China Economic & Cultural District Association)

This paper provides a comprehensive literature review on the entrepreneurial intention of college students and its influencing factors, drawing on both domestic and international sources. The study reveals that the fundamental theoretical models of entrepreneurial intention include the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), the Entrepreneurial Event Model (SEE), social network theory, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy theory. At the social level, influential factors primarily encompass the five-dimensional model of the entrepreneurial environment and the GM model. Individual-level factors involve social environmental factors, personal background factors, and personal trait factors. This research contributes to identifying the main directions in the study of factors influencing college students’ entrepreneurial intention, while also enriching research perspectives and broadening research designs to provide guidance for future entrepreneurial practices

Ⅰ. Introduction
II. Research Design
    1. Journal Selection
    2. Paper Selection
    3. Research program
III. Summary of the theoretical foundations of Entrepreneurial Intention
    1. Theoretical Models of Entrepreneurial Intention
    2. Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy Theory
    3. Social Network Theory
Ⅳ. Categorization of the Main Influencing Factors of Entrepreneurial Intention
    1. Social Environmental Factors
    2. Research Models of Entrepreneurial Environment in China
    3. Personal and Social Background Factors
    4. Personal Trait Factors
Ⅳ. Concluding Remarks
  • Yu Lunlun(Doctoral Student, Department of Social Management, Woosuk University)