Pyroprocessing is a promising technique for the treatment of damaged fuel debris (corium) generated by severe nuclear accidents. The debris typically consists of (U, Zr)O2 originating from the UO2 fuel and Zr alloy-based cladding. By converting the corium to a metallic form, the principal components of the fuel can be recovered through subsequent electrorefining, allowing for long-term storage or final disposal. A study investigated the reduction of zirconium oxide compounds by Li metal as a reductant in molten LiCl salt. This research explored the feasibility of treating damaged nuclear fuel debris, which mainly consists of (U, Zr)O2. The results showed that ZrO2 was successfully reduced to Zr metal by Li metal in LiCl salt at 650C without the formation of Li2ZrO3. In particular, Zr metal was produced without the formation of Li2ZrO3 when LiCl salt containing a high concentration of Li metal was used. However, Zr metal was produced with Li2ZrO3 when LiCl salt containing both Li metal and Li2O was added. This suggests that the concentration of Li metal in the LiCl salt is an important factor in determining the formation of Li2ZrO3. The study also demonstrated that Li2ZrO3 was partially reduced to Zr metal by Li metal in LiCl salt. This finding suggests that Li metal may be effective in reducing other oxide compounds in molten LiCl salt, which could be useful in the treatment of corium. Overall, the research provides valuable insights into the feasibility of using pyroprocessing for the treatment of corium. The ability to recover and store the principal components of the fuel through electrorefining could have important implications for the long-term management of nuclear waste.