Canada’s Pickering Unit 3 was performed a three-stage decontamination from June to August 1989 in preparation for pressure tube replacement. The first step was a reducing CAN-DECON treatment to dissolve the magnetic film inside the reactor, which was applied following partial defueling of the reactor core. The second step was an oxidative dilute alkaline permanganate treatment to remove the chromium-rich oxides of the stainless steel parts. And the final CAN-DECON step was applied continuously after completely removing fuel from the reactor core. In situ pipe gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques were applied to measure radioactivity within feeder piping during various stages of Pickering Unit 3 decontamination. Measurements were performed at a maximum dose rate of 5 mSv/h, and both the detector and the scanned feeder pipe were properly shielded from other neighboring pipes. 60Co was the dominant radionuclide in feeder piping prior to decontamination. And radionuclides 103Ru, 95Zr, 95Nb, 59Fe, 140La and 124Sb were detected. The Co-60 radioactivity was 2.09×105 Bq/cm2 before decontamination and 3.11×103 Bq/cm2 after decontamination in the inlet feeder pipe T18. And in the outlet feeder pipe P21, it is 2.56×104 Bq/cm2 before decontamination and 2.04×103 Bq/cm2 after decontamination.