One of cosmopolitan pest, Agrotis ipsilon, causes serious economic damages in horticultural crops. This study compared the host fitness of A. ipsilon among nine major horticultural crops in Korea. Among the nine crops, the population of A. ipsilon failed to complete its development in spinach, cucumber, melon, and kidney bean. The host effects on development and reproduction of A. ipsilon were further investigated in the remained five crops. Host plants significantly (P < 0.05) affected the development-related factors of A. ipsilon eggs, larvae, and pupae. They also affected the adult reproduction-related factors including preoviposition period, oviposition period and number, and longevity except for the prepupa stage. A positive relationship was found be tween biological factors. Among the nine crops in this study, napa cabbage showed the highest suitability for the A. ipsilon populations. These findings in this study would be helpful to understand the ecology and develop the man agement tactics of A. ipsilon in horticultural crops.