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자색고구마로부터 붉은 색소 농축물의 추출 및 그 색소 분말의 제조 특성 KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/43251
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한국식품영양학회지 (The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition)
한국식품영양학회 (The Korean Society of Food and Nutrition)

Pigment concentrates with violet-red color and sweet taste were obtained from purple-fleshed sweet potato(PFSP) using ethyl alcohol and water. Extract from general potato(GP) were used as a control. The relative stability of PFSP pigment concentrate(PFSPPC) in a storage test over 15 days was confirmed in the order of dark > fluorescence > sun-light irradiation. The relative stability of GP pigment concentrate(GPPC) in a storage test over 15 days was confirmed in the order of sun-light > fluorescence > dark storage. The RRP of PFSPPC was higher than that of GPPC, but the color strength of GPPC was 1/2 that of PFSPPC. Treatment of PFSPPC with aluminum potassium sulfate(0.2~0.3%, w/w) best improved its stability. The improved RRPs of PFSPPC were 45.16~47.31% in sun light irradiation, 55.91~60.22% in fluorescence irradiation, and 76.34~75.97% in dark storage conditions. In substituting aluminum potassium sulfate for chitosan, an amount of 0.2~0.3%(w/w) was suitable, giving similar results in improving pigment stability for all concentrates tested. Also, freeze-dried PFSPPC powder was manufactured as a substitute for dextrin, and also as a substitute for chitosan to the extent of 0.25%(w/w). The results of storage stabilite for freeze-dried PFSPPC and GPPC powder over 15 days, irradiation were, PRRs of 74.47~89.36% and 61.54~76.92%, respectively. The stability improving effect of freeze dried PFSPPC powder was confirmed by the results of storage experiments at various conditions. The use of freeze-dried PFSPPC powder was therefore confirmed to be an effective treatment for general foods.

  • 조미자 | Mi Za Cho