This study investigated college students` patterns of visiting coffee shops which are formed by students` preferences. This study surveyed 300 college students in Seongnam. The subjects were consisted of 45.2% males and 54.8% females and the average age was 20.8 years. 41.3% of subjects visited coffee shops once or twice a month and 42.4% of subjects visited coffee shops on a random basis. 26.7% of subjects stayed in coffee shops for 1~1.5 hours. The main purpose of going to coffee shops was to enjoy specialty coffee. The subjects` first favorites was coffee with various kinds of syrups and second one was Americano. When the female subjects in Seongnam chose the coffee shops, they focused more on variety factors than the male subjects. The group of subjects who had monthly expenses of less than 400, 000 won focused on price factors more than the group of subjects who had monthly expenses more than 400, 000 won. Moreover, environmental factors were heavily related to the usage rate and staying time of the coffee shops. Above all, price factors and promotion factors affected subjects` choice of the coffee shops in Seongnam.