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공연종사자 피난을 위한 안전시설의 운영전략 연구 KCI 등재후보

A Study of the Safety Facilities Operation Strategies for Performing Arts Workers Evacuation

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/432872
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대한안전경영과학회지 (Journal of Korea Safety Management & Science)
대한안전경영과학회 (Korea Safety Management & Science)

The objectives of this study is to classify evacuation types, derive the characteristics of 4 types, develop and discover evacuation routes within the performance hall space, and present the statistical classification results of the evacuation classification model by classification type. To achieve this purpose, the characteristics of each evacuation type's four types are applied through a network reliability analysis method and utilized for institutional improvement and policy. This study applies for the building law, evacuation and relief safety standards when establishing a performance hall safety management plan, and reflects it in safety-related laws, safety standards, and policy systems. Statistical data by evacuation type were analyzed, and measurement characteristics were compared and analyzed by evacuation types. Evaluate the morphological similarity and reliability of evacuation types according to door width and passage length and propose the install position of evacuation guidance sign boards. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data to provide operation strategies for safety facility evacuation information sign boards according to evacuation route classification types when taking a safety management plan. The operation strategy for the evacuation sign boards installation that integrates employee guidance and safety training is applied to the performance hall safety management plan. It will contribute to establishing an operational strategy for performance space safety when constructing performance facilities in the future.

1. 서 론
2. 이론적 배경
    2.1 공연시설 및 공연장의 일반피난
    2.2 공연시설 및 공연장의 비상피난
    2.3 공연시설 및 공연장 안전시설의 공간특성
3. 공연종사자 피난형태
    3.1 공연종사자 피난형태 분석방법
    3.2 공연종사자 피난형태
    3.3 공연종사자 피난형태 분석결과
4. 공연종사자 안전시설 운영전략
    4.1 공연종사자 피난시설 운영
    4.2 공연시설 및 공연장의 자력피난 안전시설운영전략
    4.3 공연시설 및 공연장의 구조피난 안전시설운영전략
5. 결론
6. References
  • 정성학(행정안전부 국립재난안전연구원) | Sung-Hak Chung (National Disaster Management Research Institute) Corresponding author
  • 박용규(문화체육관광부 국립부산국악원) | Yong-Gyu Park (Busan National Gugak Center)