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온실가스 배출량 산정을 위한 공공 및 민간 이동성 데이터 융합의 신뢰성 검증 방안 KCI 등재

Reliability Framework for Public and Private Mobility Data Integration for Calculating Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/432904
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국도로학회논문집 (International journal of highway engineering)
한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

PURPOSES : We propose a framework to evaluate the reliability of integrating homogeneous or heterogeneous mobility data to produce the various data required for greenhouse gas emission estimation. METHODS : The mobility data used in the framework were collected at a fixed time from a specific point and were based on raster data. In general, the traffic volume for all traffic measurement points over 24 h can be considered raster data. In the future, the proposed framework can be applied to specific road points or road sections, depending on the presence or absence of raster data. RESULTS : The activity data required to calculate greenhouse gas emissions were derived from the mobility data analysis. With recent developments in information, communication, and artificial intelligence technologies, mobility data collected from different sources with the same collection purpose can be integrated to increase the reliability and accuracy of previously unknown or inaccurate information. CONCLUSIONS : This study will help assess the reliability of mobility data fusion as it is collected on the road, and will ultimately lead to more accurate estimates of greenhouse gas emissions.

1. 서론
2. 이동성 데이터 관련 연구 동향
    2.1. 공공 및 민간 이동성 데이터 현황
    2.2. 공공 및 민간 이동성 데이터 활용 사례
3. 이동성 데이터 융합 방법론
    3.1. 이종·동종 데이터 융합 방법 및 특성
    3.2. 데이터 전처리
    3.3. 이종·동종 데이터 융합 시 중복성 처리
4. 이동성 데이터 융합의 신뢰성 검증 방안
    4.1. 고려사항
    4.2. 이동성 데이터 융합의 신뢰성 검증 방법론
5. 결론
  • 양충헌(한국건설기술연구원 도로교통연구본부 연구위원) | Yang Choongheon (Research Fellow Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology, 283, Goyangdae-ro, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do 10223, Korea) Corresponding author
  • 문재필(한국건설기술연구원 도로교통연구본부 수석연구원) | Moon Jaepil
  • 김진국(한국건설기술연구원 도로교통연구본부 전임연구원) | Kim Jinguk
  • 박수빈(한국건설기술연구원 도로교통연구본부 박사후연구원) | Park Subin