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Critical Global Citizenship Education: Unpacking Representations of Racialization in Korean English Textbooks KCI 등재 SCOPUS

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/434590
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영어교육 (English Teaching)
한국영어교육학회 (The Korea Association of Teachers of English)

This paper aims to investigate how and to what extent ‘critical’ global citizenship is reflected in middle school English textbooks in Korea. Framed within Freire’s concept of critical literacy, the study is concerned with analyzing the written texts in two English textbooks, with a focus on the issue of representations. Using critical content analysis, the research centers on unpacking how race, racism, or racialization, especially in the United States, is represented, and to what extent these representations may be associated with global citizenship education in English language learning. The major findings indicate a notable absence of sufficient sociohistorical and cultural contexts of race in the United States as presented in the concerned English textbooks. Based on the analysis, this paper calls for an expansion of the dimensions of critical global citizenship in English language learning settings, aiming to provide students with broader opportunities to question colonial discourse and challenge issues related to power and systemic oppression.

    3.1. Global Citizenship Education
    3.2. Global Citizenship Education and Anti-racism
    3.3. Global Citizenship Education and English Education in Korea
    4.1. Qualitative Method: Critical Content Analysis
    4.2. Data Collection and Process of Analysis
    4.3. Researcher Positionality
    5.1. Racial Representations of Mexican Immigrants in the United States
    5.2. Racial Representations of African Americans in the 1960s
  • En Hye Lee(Assistant Professor, Yongoreum Liberal Arts College, Yong In University; 134 Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Geyonggi-do, Korea)