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Development of cement nanocomposites reinforced by carbon nanotube dispersion using superplasticizers KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435157
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Carbon Letters (Carbon letters)
한국탄소학회 (Korean Carbon Society)

This paper explores the potential application of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in the construction industry, as CNTs can effectively serve as nano-fillers, bridging the voids and holes in cement structures. However, the limited dispersibility of CNTs in water necessitates the use of dispersing agents for achieving uniform dispersion. In this study, two kinds of cement superplasticizers, polycarboxylate ether (PCE) and sulfonated naphthalene formaldehyde (SNF) were employed as dispersing agents to improve the interfacial affinity between CNTs and cement, and to enhance the strength of the cement nanocomposites. Contact angle experiments revealed that the utilization of PCE and SNF effectively addressed the interface issues between CNTs and cement. As a result, the cement nanocomposite with a CNT to PCE ratio of 1:2 exhibited an approximately 6.6% increase in compressive strength (73.05 MPa), while the CNT:SNF 1:2 cement composite showed a 4.7% increase (71.72 MPa) compared to plain cement (68.52 MPa). In addition, the rate of crack generation in cement nanocomposites with CNTs and dispersing agents was found to be slower than that of plain cement. The resulting cement nanocomposites, characterized by enhanced strength and durability, can be utilized as safer materials in the construction industry.

Development of cement nanocomposites reinforced by carbon nanotube dispersion using superplasticizers
    1 Introduction
    2 Experimental methods
        2.1 Materials
        2.2 Dispersion of CNTs
        2.3 Contact angle measurement
        2.4 Fabrication and characterization of cement nanocomposites
        2.5 Microstructure analysis
    3 Results and discussion
        3.1 Optical image analysis
        3.2 Contact angle analysis
        3.3 Compressive strength analysis
        3.4 XRD analysis
        3.5 FE-SEM analysis
        3.6 Crack test
    4 Conclusions
  • Seok Hwan An(Department of Advanced Materials Engineering for Information and Electronics, Integrated Education Institute for Frontier Science and Technology (BK21 Four), Kyung Hee University, Gyeonggi‑do 17104, Republic of Korea)
  • Ki Yun Kim(Department of Advanced Materials Engineering for Information and Electronics, Integrated Education Institute for Frontier Science and Technology (BK21 Four), Kyung Hee University, Gyeonggi‑do 17104, Republic of Korea)
  • Chul Woo Chung(Division of Architectural and Fire Protection Engineering, Pukyong National University, Busan 48513, Republic of Korea)
  • Jea Uk Lee(Department of Advanced Materials Engineering for Information and Electronics, Integrated Education Institute for Frontier Science and Technology (BK21 Four), Kyung Hee University, Gyeonggi‑do 17104, Republic of Korea)