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Parcel Locker Locations and Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Traffic Congestion KCI 등재

교통 체증을 고려한 물품 보관함 위치 및 동적 차량 경로 문제

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435328
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한국산업경영시스템학회지 (Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)
한국산업경영시스템학회 (Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)

Due to the complexity of urban area, the city vehicle routing problem has been a difficult problem. The problem has involved factors such as parking availability, road conditions, and traffic congestion, all of which increase transportation costs and delivery times. To resolve this problem, one effective solution can be the use of parcel lockers located near customer sites, where products are stored for customers to pick up. When a vehicle delivers products to a designated parcel locker, customers in the vicinity must pick up their products from that locker. Recently, identifying optimal locations for these parcel lockers has become an important research issue. This paper addresses the parcel locker location problem within the context of urban traffic congestion. By considering dynamic environmental factors, we propose a Markov decision process model to tackle the city vehicle routing problem. To ensure more real situations, we have used optimal paths for distances between two nodes. Numerical results demonstrate the viability of our model and solution strategy.

1. 서 론
2. 선행 연구
3. 동적 차량 경로 문제 모형
    3.1 문제 정의
    3.2 이동 시간 확률 분포 추정
    3.3 Markov Decision Process 모형
4. Rollout Algorithm
    4.1 Rollout Policy
5. 실험 결과
6. 결 론
  • Chaehyun Kim(Industrial and Management Engineering, Hanbat National University) | 김채현 (국립한밭대학교 산업경영공학과)
  • Gitae Kim(Industrial and Management Engineering, Hanbat National University) | 김기태 (국립한밭대학교 산업경영공학과) Corresponding author