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남자 간호대학생의 여성건강간호학 실습 경험: 포토보이스를 활용한 혼합연구 KCI 등재

Experiences of Male Nursing Students in Women's Health Nursing Practicum: A Mixed-Methods Study Using Photovoice

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435596
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,200원
대한질적연구학회지 (Korean Association for Qualitative Research)
대한질적연구학회 (Korean Association for Qualitative Research)

Purpose: The study aim was to explore the meaning of male nursing students’ experiences in women’s health nursing practicum through photovoice and focus group interviews. Ways to improve the conditions and quality of practicum education for women’s health nurses were explored. Methods: The participants were eight senior male nursing students who had completed a women’s health nursing practicum. They captured topic-specific photos depicting their experiences in a women’s health nursing practicum through the photovoice method and conducted focus group interviews using the PHOTO strategy to explore the meanings behind the photos. The final data were analyzed using a content analysis. Results: The male nursing students’ experiences in the women’s health nursing practicum produced five themes: “The untraveled Way.”, “Role conflicts amid indifference.”, “Opportunities that never come.”, “Unable to overcome gender barrier.”, and “The time of perseverance and hope.”, These five themes were accompanied by 13 sub-themes. Conclusion: Though initially apprehensive, the study participants engaged in women’s health nursing practices with excitement and anticipation. Despite experiencing discrimination and role conflict due to gender differences, they discovered opportunities for growth through a simulation practicum. Anticipating personal development from their experiences, they desired a future in which male nurses would be recognized solely as nurses, without gender distinctions. Efforts are required to enhance awareness and organizational culture and prevent discrimination based on gender differences. Comprehensive endeavors are necessary for enhancing the quality of clinical practice education by developing and validating women’s health nursing practicum programs covering diverse topics.

서 론
    1. 연구의 필요성
    2. 연구목적
연 구 방 법
    1. 연구설계
    2. 연구 배경
    3. 연구대상
    4. 자료수집
    5. 연구자의 준비
    6. 윤리적 고려
    7. 자료분석
    8. 연구의 엄격성
연 구 결 과
    1. 가보지 않은 길
    2. 무관심 속의 역할 갈등
    3. 기다려도 오지 않는 기회
    4. 성별의 장벽을 넘지 못함
    5. 인고의 시간과 희망
논 의
결 론 및 제 언
  • 안나원(울산광역시 공공보건의료지원단 책임연구원) | An Na Won (Senior Researcher, Ulsan Public Health Policy Institute, Ulsan, Korea)
  • 이나경(청암대학교 간호학과 조교수) | Lee Na Kyoung (Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, College of Cheongam, Suncheon, Korea) Corresponding author