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现代韩国王维研究动态分析 ——以韩中正式建交后为中心 KCI 등재

Analysis on the Updates of Research in Wang Wei in Modern Korea : Centered around the Official Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of Korea (ROK) and China

  • 언어CHI
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/435809
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 5,100원
中國學 (중국학)
대한중국학회 (Korean Association For Chinese Studies)

The Sinology circle in the Republic of Korea (ROK) has always been paying close attention to the study of Chinese classical literature, especially the study of the works of key writers. Wang Wei research shows distinct temporal characteristics at different times. With the establishment of diplomatic relations between the ROK and China in 1992 as the demarcation point of time, this article summarizes and analyzes the research in Wang Wei in the Korean academic community, consisting of two major periods. On the whole, after the official establishment of diplomatic relations between the ROK and China, the research in Wang Wei in the ROK truly got on the right track. Especially in the 21st century, the research in Wang Wei in the ROK showed signs of prosperity, and with the increasing exchange and cooperation with China and other countries in Sinology research, has become an important component of cross-cultural literary research. It involves extensive content and research perspectives, including the relationship between Wang Wei’s poetry and his paintings, the overall characteristics of Wang Wei’s poetry, the imagery of Wang Wei’s poetry, the relationship of Wang Wei and his poetry with Buddhism, comparative studies of Wang Wei’s poetry, and the reception and dissemination of Wang Wei by Korean poets. This article classifies and analyzes these research findings, sorts out the development process of the research in Wang Wei in the Sinology circle in the ROK, analyzes its current research status, and explore its future development focus and direction.

韩国汉学界对中国古典文学的接受和研究由来已久,特别是对重点作家作品的研究。 对于王维的研究在不同的时间段有着非常明显的时代特性。本文以一九九二年韩中建交为 时间分界点,对韩国学界对王维的研究分成二个大的时期进行整理和分析。在进入二十一 世纪后,韩国的王维研究呈现出繁荣的迹象,并与中国及世界各国汉学研究的交流和合作 也逐渐增多,成为跨国文学研究中的重要组成部分。涉及的内容和研究视角也很广泛,包 括王维诗画关系、王维诗歌整体特征、王维诗歌意象、王维及其诗歌与佛教的关系、王维 诗歌的比较研究、朝鲜诗人对王维接受与传播等领域。现将这些研究成果进行分类分析, 梳理出现代韩国汉学界对王维进行研究的发展历程,分析其研究现状并探求其未来的关注 点及发展方向。

1. 绪论
2. 韩中建交前研究状况(1951-1992)
3. 韩中建交后的研究状况(1992-2023)
    1) 建交至二十一世纪前七年(1993-1999)
    2) 二十一世纪前十年(2000-2009)
    3) 二十一时期中期至今(2010-2023)
4. 王维研究发展趋势
5. 总结
  • 黃玥明(朝鲜大学中国语文化学科助教授) | 황월명
  • 金昌慶(釜庆大学中国学科教授) | 김창경 Corresponding author
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