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한국방문건강관리학회 역사와 보건소 방문건강관리사업의 변천 과정: 2007년부터 2024년까지

The History of the Korean Society for Customized Visiting Health Care and the Evolution of Home Visiting Care in Public Health Centers: From 2007 to 2024

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436622
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,500원
한국방문건강관리학회지 (Journal of Korean Academy of Customized Visiting Health Care)
한국방문건강관리학회 (The Korean Society for Customized Visiting Health Care)

Purpose: This review study analyzes the impact of the Korean Society for Customized Visiting Health Care on the development of Home Visiting Care in public health centers since its inception in 2007. It also suggests potential future directions for both the Korean Society for Customized Visiting Health Care and Home Visiting Care in public health centers. Methods: The investigation scrutinized various sources including the white paper detailing the activities of the Korean Society for Customized Visiting Health Care, academic conference materials, minutes from general meetings, research papers from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the Korea Health Promotion Institute. Results: The Korean Society for Customized Visiting Health Care has been actively involved in advancing and assessing home-visiting health care services. The society has been focused on developing and evaluating the effectiveness of home visit health care services offered by public health centers. Conclusions: The Korean Society for Customized Visiting Health Care has achieved progress by continuous interaction with field staff, rigorous personnel training, technical assistance, field research, and policy recommendations. In 2024, the home visit health care sector could be advanced and improved using AI technology.

서 론
    1. 연구설계
    2. 연구자료수집
연구결과 및 논의
    1. 2007년∼ 2012년 한국방문건강관리학회 출범과 보건소 맞춤형방문건강관리사업의 시작
    2. 2013년 통합건강증진사업 흡수 후 2024년 현재까지
결론 및 제언
  • 임지영(인하대학교 간호학과 교수) | Lim Ji Young (Department of Nursing, Inha University Professor)
  • 부선주(아주대학교 간호대학, 간호과학연구소 교수) | Boo Sunjooo (College of Nursing & Research institute of Nursing Science, Ajou University Professor) Corresponding author
  • 황라일(신한대학교 간호학과 교수) | Hwang, Rahil (Department of Nursing, Shinhan University Professor)