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Advances in Load-Sharing Parameter Estimation for Reliability Systems KCI 등재

시스템 신뢰도 계산을 위한 로드쉐어링 모수 추정에 관한 고찰

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436626
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한국산업경영시스템학회지 (Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)
한국산업경영시스템학회 (Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)

This paper chronicles the evolution of load-sharing parameter estimation methodologies, with a particular focus on the significant contributions made by Kim and Kvam (2004) and Park (2012). Kim and Kvam's pioneering work underscored the inherent challenges in deriving closed-form solutions for load-share parameters, which necessitated the use of sophisticated numerical optimization techniques. Park's research, on the other hand, provided groundbreaking closed-form solutions and extended the theoretical framework to accommodate more general distributions of component lifetimes. This was achieved by incorporating EM-type methods for maximum likelihood estimation, which represented a significant advancement in the field. Unlike previous efforts, this paper zeroes in on the specific characteristics and advantages of closed-form solutions for load-share parameters within reliability systems. Much like the basic Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model enhances the understanding of real-life inventory systems dynamics, our analysis aims to thoroughly explore the conditions under which these closed-form solutions are valid. We investigate their stability, robustness, and applicability to various types of systems. Through this comprehensive study, we aspire to provide a deep understanding of the practical implications and potential benefits of these solutions. Building on previous advancements, our research further examines the robustness of these solutions in diverse reliability contexts, aiming to shed light on their practical relevance and utility in real-world applications.

1. Introduction
2. Closed Form Solutions
    2.1 Kim and Kvam [5] - The NumericalSolutions
    2.2 Park [6] - Closed-Form Solution
3. Senstivity Analysis
    3.1 Simulation Data
    3.2 Sensitivity Analysis of Load-Share Parameters on the Average System Reliability
4. Conclusion
  • Hyoungtae Kim(Department of Convergence Management, Woosong University) | 김형태 (우송대학교 엔디컷국제대학 융합경영학부 경영학전공) Corresponding author