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A study on the expression style of illustrations KCI 등재

일러스트레이션의 표현 양식 분석 연구

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/437233
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한국컴퓨터게임학회 논문지 (Journal of The Korean Society for Computer Game)
한국컴퓨터게임학회 (Korean Society for Computer Game)

본 연구는 현 시대에 등장하는 일러스트레이션을 하인리히 뵐플린이 제시한 이론의 관점으로 접근하였으며, 시각적 회화와 촉각적 회화로 분류하여 해석하고자 한다. 일러스트레이션에 나타난 표현기법을 통합적으로 살펴보기 위해서 그림책작가를 선정한 후, 인 터넷 사이트나 출간된 서적 등에서 해당 작가의 작품 이미지를 수집하였다. 이들을 시각적 회 화와 촉각적 회화로 분류하였다. 윤곽선의 활용에 대한 부분이 가장 확실한 특징이라고 파악 하여, 윤곽선 활용 유무를 기준으로 분류하였다. 이들 중에서 작가가 각 작품마다 다른 스타일 을 추구하는 경우, 본 연구에서 수집한 작품을 중심으로 분류하였다.

This study approached the illustrations appearing in the present era from the perspective of the theory presented by Heinrich Wölfflin, and attempted to interpret them by classifying them into visual paintings and tactile paintings. In order to comprehensively examine the expressive techniques shown in illustrations, we selected picture book authors and collected images of their works from Internet sites and published books. These were classified into visual paintings and tactile paintings. We identified that the most obvious characteristic was the use of outlines, and classified them based on the presence or absence of outlines. Among these, if the author pursued a different style for each work, we classified them based on the works collected in this study. In picture books consumed in the present age, by applying white margins to the background, the expressed object is revealed regardless of the dominance of the outline. In tactile paintings dominated by outlines, the method of expression is implemented in various ways in terms of the use of lines, and in the case of visual paintings where the outlines are not clear and colors or light and shade are emphasized more, the differences in color, brightness, and saturation between each object are made clear to reveal the object. In future studies, by analyzing the illustration trends of picture books like this study, we will try to provide a new perspective for creators to express illustrations.

1. Introduction
2. Theoretical background
    2.1 Renaissance and Baroque perspectives
    2.2 Picture book illustration
3. Research Methods
4. Research results
    4.1 Tactile Paintins
    4.2 Visual Paintins
5. conclusion
<결론 및 향후 연구>

  • Hyun Ki LEE(School of Games, Dongyang University, Dongducheon, Korea) | 이현기 Corresponding author