한국복합신소재구조학회(Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures)
1. IIFC 주요 기사 ■ FRP International (October, 2024) ■ Composites around the world – research ■ Composites around the world – industry 2. ACI 주요 기사 ■ Concrete International (August, 2024) ■ Education 3. FRP 관련 주요 국제 학술회의 일정 5th International Symposium forEmerging Researchers in Compositesfor Infrastructure (ISERCI 2024) &6th International Summer Schoolon Composites in Infrastructure(ISSCI 2024) The Ninth Asia Pacific ConferenceonFRP in Structures (APFIS 2024) 12th International Conference on FRPComposites in Civil Engineering (CICE2025) The 7th International Symposium onFiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP)Reinforcement for Concrete Structures(FRPRCS 2026)