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Exploring Performance Assessment: Teacher Beliefs versus Classroom Practices in Korean Secondary English Education KCI 등재 SCOPUS

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/438058
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영어교육 (English Teaching)
한국영어교육학회 (The Korea Association of Teachers of English)

This study examines the beliefs and practices regarding performance assessment among Korean English teachers in secondary schools. A survey was conducted with 109 teachers using a 52-item online questionnaire to investigate the extent to which teachers’ beliefs align with their instructional practices and to categorize them based on these criteria. Although teachers acknowledge the pedagogical advantages of performance assessment, a significant gap exists between their beliefs and actual implementation, primarily due to the considerable time required for its execution. Teachers with longer tenure and higher qualifications demonstrated a more positive and effective application of performance assessment. The findings highlight the necessity for targeted professional development to enhance teachers’ use of performance assessment strategies, especially for those who are skeptical about their effectiveness. Such initiatives are essential for bridging the gap between beliefs and practices, fostering an environment that promotes the effective use of performance assessment, and ultimately improving teaching quality and student learning outcomes in Korean English education.

    2.1. English Performance Assessment
    2.2. English Performance Assessment in Korea
    2.3. Teachers’ Beliefs and Assessment Practices
    3.1. Participants
    3.2. Instrument
    3.3. Data Analysis
    4.1. Teacher Beliefs and Practices in Performance
    4.2. Instructional Purpose of Performance Assessment
    4.3. Methods and Techniques
    4.4. Feedback, Grading, and Reporting of Grades
    4.5. Identifying Patterns in Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices TowardsPerformance Assessment: A Cluster Analysis Approach
    5.1. English Teachers’ Beliefs about Performance Assessment and theirAssessment Practices
    5.2. Classifying English Teachers by Beliefs and Practices: Insights fromCluster Analysis
  • Kyungeun Min(Teacher, Mohyun Middle School)
  • Youngsoon So(Associate Professor, Department of English Language Education, Learning Sciences Research Institute, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanak-ro, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 08826, Korea) Corresponding author